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It's All Messy

Broken. What does the Bible say about the broken.

  • God is near to the brokenhearted.

  • God heals the brokenhearted.

  • Blessed are they that mourn.

  • You will be comforted.

I’m sure there is much more and I encourage you to go find what speaks to you in your specific need.

Wherever your brokenness comes from, God sees it.

He knows your heart if you are His child. He is drawing near to you if you’ll let Him.

Don’t think those tears in the shower go unnoticed. He catches every tear that falls.

Don’t think God doesn’t hear those prayers when you can’t even speak. He already knows.

Don’t think what you’re going through is in vain. He has a plan to prosper you and give you an expected end.

If you love God and are called His child, He has a plan. He has a purpose for your pain.

I keep hearing songs about brokenness just like I did about fighting and battles. God will speak to you with any platform if you are receptive to it.

After the battle, we end up bruised and broken, laying at the feet of Jesus.

Throw those worries on Him because He cares for you.

There is healing and restoration at the foot of the cross.

Today I heard the lines of Zach Williams and Dolly Parton’s song “There was Jesus” and they said “like a blessing buried in the broken pieces.”

I had to remind myself that broken pieces can be sharp. They can have rough edges and sharp corners. I don’t think I’ve ever seen perfectly polished broken pieces. That actually sounds like an oxymoron.

Our broken pieces aren’t pretty. And somehow we dig through them in search of that blessing God promised would be there.

Several years ago, I broke something glass on carpet and it went everywhere. I remember gently running my hands through the carpet to make sure no pieces were left, but one cut me as I swiped over it.

So often, we are picking up the broken pieces of our hearts and digging through them to find that blessing.

We hold onto the hope that there is meaning in the struggle.

It’s not painless. It’s not perfect. It’s actually quite messy. Sorting through the wreckage is not easy or comfortable. Sometimes it cuts deep. Sometimes you can’t even see it coming like the glass in my carpet. You thought you had all the pieces picked up, but that pain hits you out of nowhere.

“But He gives more grace.” -James 4:6

Remember that grace we talked about before? It’s really all you could ever need. It is literally one of the two main things required for salvation: grace and faith.

The grace of God is greater far than tongue or pen could ever tell. It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell.

Whatever your “lowest hell” is right now, He’s there, ready to walk you threw the fire into peace and light.

He saw you in your brokenness before you ever got there.

He prepared a way for you to find forgiveness and healing.

It may hurt. It may feel like walking through fire.

Hard to breathe. Hard to see the big picture and final destination, but you are not alone.

There is Another in the fire. And He calls you His own.

Walking through the valley of the shadow of death, He’s walking beside you, protecting you and offering His perfect grace the whole way.

He restores your soul.

With that promise, you can do all things.

I feel like this is the closing of a series where it all comes full circle. Fear, fighting, grace, brokenness. We are giving it up to the Lord, and claiming victory and peace.

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