So when I started to think about what I should name my blog, I came up with a lot things that felt, well, generic.
There are so many things I love and want to communicate with people that I couldn’t narrow it down.
The meaning behind the name I chose is two fold.
One side is the spiritual aspect that God spoke to me, and the other is the raw, realistic, encouraging, and motivational benefit that I hope this blog brings to you as you read it.
So for the spiritual side, I just began by asking God to show me something that would stick out and be broad enough to encompass my heart and the things I want share.
Then God laid a verse on my heart: Numbers 23:19. In the last part of the verse it says “Has He said and will He not do? Has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
In another translation, its a little easier to understand: “Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”
This made me think of all the times I felt underwhelmed, broken, unfulfilled, or that God hadn’t made good on His promise.
All the times I told God, “well you said..!”
But the Bible says God keeps His word. He keeps His promises.
Now, it doesn’t say it will look exactly like you thought it would.
No, in reality, it often looks nothing like we expect.
We don’t think failed relationships, struggles at work, health issues, or anything like that should be apart of His plan.
But often times, thats exactly what you need to fall back on Him and realize that you were trying to do this thing called life in your own strength.
If your human like me, you’ve probably come to the realization that life is messy. People don’t always meet expectations, goals and dreams sometimes don’t make it to reality.
But one thing you can hold onto? God said he’d make it good.
Now for the real, motivational part of this name:
Have you ever heard the phrase “Fake it til you make it?”
I always hated that phrase because I wanted my heart to be in it. I wanted everything to be just right so that I didn’t have to fake it. Must be the type 1 in me.
But that’s not how life is a majority of the time.
Honestly, a lot the time I fake it until my heart catches up. If you read my previous post titled “Just Show Up,” it captures a lot of what I mean.
But beyond just showing up and faking it until your heart catches up, I learned that my attitude and demeanor play a huge part in how my day goes.
Wether it be a day at work, date night with my hubby, going to church; no matter what it is, I can chose to make it good.
I can choose to let things get to me or not. I can choose to meditate on the truths of God’s word or not. I can make or break my day based on my actions, nothing else.
For example, this school year was something I pretty much dreaded. I wanted to see my new kiddos so much. I crave that connection and the relationships I build with those babies, but I knew it was going to be different.
I knew there was going to be obstacles and challenges that arose that wouldn’t normally come, and I felt like my job was hard enough!
But God told me to make it good. So I got dressed in something that made me feel good, bought Starbucks for me and some coworkers, and MADE it a good start to the year.
Will I have days that all I do is complain? Probably. Will I leave work frustrated and ready to quit some days? Most likely.
But God didn’t create us to be miserable and mope. He created us to be a light and speed His love; and I can’t do that with a bad attitude.
So whose with me? Whatever you do, make it good.