Ladies, wait for the man that actively participates in your joy.
I had always heard that you and your spouse should have different interests, but still be willing to do the other person’s activities as well.
When I first heard this, I really thought that you should just kind of trudge through whatever it is they like.
Smile and bear it kind of attitude.
Where you don’t actually enjoy it, but you do it because they like it.
That’s how I thought it should be, until I met Kyle.
He showed me what it meant to really make the other person’s interest a priority and intentionally learn to enjoy their interest, not just muscle through it because it’s your “duty” as their significant other.
One example of this happened this week.
If you know me at all, you know I am crazy about Christmas. I have so many special memories at Christmas and it truly is my favorite time of year. I go a little overboard, to be quite honest.
I have to really hold back sometimes so that everyone around me doesn’t get sick of it and my enthusiasm.
So, October 1st is the official day that I allow myself to really get into Christmas. Most of the time, by October, I’ve finished the majority of my Christmas shopping, and I can start wrapping or preparing whatever else needs to get done.
I love to listen to Christmas music while I wrap, so October 1st is the start of my Christmas spirit: I do wait to decorate my house though!
When we first got together, Kyle liked Christmas music only for the week of Christmas. That’s it. He didn’t want to listen to it before then and really didn’t care to even then. So you can see where that might be a problem.
But Thursday, October 1st, he came home from work excited. He said, “babe! It’s your day!” and honestly, I had no clue what he was talking about.
My work week had been so hectic that I didn’t even remember it was October 1st when I got home. He said “let’s listen to Christmas music!!”
I told him that I thought he didn’t like it, but his response almost had me in tears.
He said, “no! It’s your favorite so it matters to me! It’s your day, let’s put some Christmas music on!”
So that night we listened to Christmas music while we had dinner, and those are the kind of memories I love.
He didn’t have to draw attention to the fact it was October 1st. He didn’t have to be excited after a long day at work. He could have just gone on with the day, but he intentionally brought it up and joined in my happiness, bringing me insurmountable joy.
I am beyond blessed to have a husband that doesn’t just let me have my own interests and “things” but actively tries to enjoy them with me.
If you are waiting for that man, put that on your list of things to look for.
It matters.
The little things make a big difference.
If you are already in a relationship or married, I challenge you to take a look at your attitude when you are doing the things that your spouse chooses to do or wants you to do.
Try to love it like they do, whether it’s shopping, hunting, spontaneous adventures, hiking, whatever.
Do it with a joyful spirit, and see what comes from it.