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Royal Dog Poop

I am going to be really honest…

I am not a great house keeper.

I really try during the week, but after work, I am so exhausted and just trying to make it through the week, that I generally don’t make time to do much of anything around the house.

If it’s a dire need, I will do some laundry, but you can pretty much guarantee the house feels like a wreck by Friday night.

This week was especially bad because of some personal things, and I just haven’t had the brainpower to get to it.

But today I was going to deep clean.

And I mean deep!

I had big plans to wash rugs, baseboards, hands and knees mop; the works.

I got through some things I needed to do on my laptop, checked on the chickens, made sure the dogs were good, started a load of laundry, and got to it. I swept and then got on my hands and knees with a hot towel and mopped (I make a big deal about this because it was a big deal growing up. My mom would mean business when this happened).

I finished the whole living room and kitchen, and went into the bathroom to do the toilet and the shower.

At this point, I heard Coal, my sweet puppy, whining.

I though he was just upset because I had the bathroom door mostly closed off so he couldn’t see me.

Then I smelled something…

He had pooped from the bathroom to the living room carpet and all on the carpet.

All over my freshly mopped floor and freshly vacuumed rug.

I was livid! I yelled “Are you kidding me??”

I immediately threw my hands up in the air and thought, this is why I don’t deep clean like this. Every time I do, something ruins it just as soon as its clean.

Then I felt the Hole Spirit tug.

What if God treated me that way?

What if after I made a mess of things He threw His hands up and decided He wasn’t going to clean it up this time.

What if the next time I fail Him, He decided that was just one time too many?

He would have forsaken me a long time ago if that was the case.

But friend, I have great news.

God is faithful. He will never leave us or forsake us. His character is loyal, devoted, and unwavering.

There is nothing you could do to be plucked out of his hand.

His grace is sufficient and his power completes you, makes you whole.

I am so thankful that even when I mess everything up in my sin natured flesh, His goodness welcomes me back. His arms are open wide with forgiveness.

I am doing a study of The Law in the Bible. It is intense and rigorous, with a lot of deep thoughts to consider, but at the end of it all, you see Jesus.

Scripture says that He fulfilled the law.

If you have been in church for anytime, you’ve heard that saying, but if you’re like me, you didn’t really understand what that meant.

To sum it up as quickly as I can, here we go:

The law was given to us, as God’s people.

Within any law, there is room for error and free will to choose action against the law.

Because we are human and our nature is sinful, we have broken the law and deserve to be punished for that.

For Christians, we have hope in Jesus, because His life gave us a chance to be reconciled to God from the Law.

That is why when we are saved, we are not under the law, but under grace.

God sees us through Jesus’s shed blood, not in our guilty state.

He fulfilled the law so that we can have a hope of life eternal.

I love when God directs me to learn things like this and share them with you, because now I have a better understanding of who I am as God’s child.

I hope this helps you in your walk and assures you that no matter how many times you mess up, God will always be there waiting for you to come crawling back to him. He will lift you up and called you Beloved.

Straighten your crown, friend, you are royalty.

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26 de set. de 2020

Once again I read your explanation and inspiration knowing that I am truly blessed to call you my granddaughter. ❤️❤️❤️🙏

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