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Starbucks & TJ Maxx

Can I be real honest with y’all?

It’s been one of those weeks.

I have fallen down over and over and kind of just stayed there...

I feel like I’ve been fighting for so long I just can’t even sit up anymore.

Work is chaotic and hard.

Marriage is amazing, but hard.

Making the important things in life a priority is hard.

I missed a day of devotions already this week, and I just feel myself wanting to check out.

Start over Sunday after sitting in church and getting fed.

Please tell me I’m not the only one.

Today after work, I got a Starbucks drink and moseyed around TJ Maxx for some self-care and retail therapy.

I finally cleared my mind of everything happening that is out of my control, and was immediately convicted.

I missed the day of devotions because in my mind I just didn’t have time. But today, I made time to go shopping when I didn’t even need to.

The Holy Spirit just put the thought in my mind that instead of escaping with Starbucks and TJ Maxx; wouldn’t I be so much better off escaping into His Word?

Shutting the world out and setting my mind on things above.

Don’t get me wrong, get the Starbucks and do the shopping, I just felt like sometimes my priorities are a bit out of whack, don’t you?

I can think of several verses that remind us of this truth, but the first one that comes to mind is “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Seek God FIRST. Not Starbucks, not retail therapy, not a friend, not your spouse... His kingdom, and His righteousness.

Seek His face, not His hand.

Let me say that one more time: seek His face, not His hand.

Man, that’s hard to do.

So many questions circle our hearts and minds of what are you doing God? Why are You not doing this or that.

It is so easy to focus on what you can see happening around you and trying to find the good and the God in some situations feels literally impossible.

But when you seek His face, the rest of the world and it’s problems start to fade away.

Our escape of this world is His presence.

Remember, this isn’t our home if you’re a Christian.

We are just passing through this world of sin.

Soon our Savior will come and take us away.

Oh what a day that will be.

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