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Zombie Arms

At the school I work for, we’ve adopted this thing called zombie arms.

In an effort to try and keep students somewhat socially distanced, they keep their arms out in front of them and try not to let them touch the person in front of them.

It’s not perfect, but it’s something.

Most of our kindergartners don’t even recognize the number six let alone grasp six feet and understand the whole reason we are doing this.

But today when I saw these sweet babies, Lord bless ‘em, with their zombie arms out, walking down the hall, it sparked a thought.

How often do I walk through life like that. Like a lifeless robot, just going through the motions.

I might put on a smile and be productive by the world’s standard, but what kind of life is that?

What fruit of the Holy Spirit and I producing living that way?

I am reminded of Jesus’ words in John 10:10 when He said that He came so that we could have life, and have it more abundantly.

Not just live, but thrive.

Another word that comes up when you look up the direct translation of the work ‘abundant’ is ‘vehemently.’

If you’re like me, I saw that world and thought, is that english?

I seriously have never heard that word before, but man is it good.

It’s an adverb defined as “in a forceful. passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling.”

That is how Jesus wanted us to live this life.

With great passion, intensity, and feeling.

My greatest source of inspiration for this, besides Jesus, is my husband.

He has a real zest for life. He is passionate, intense, and has deep rooted zeal for pretty much everything.

If you don’t know him, you’re seriously missing out!

Everyone wants to be the life of the party, and bring the joy and sunshine wherever they go.

But the truth of the matter is that life can put a damper on your light. The storms of life can cloud your passions; and where there was once a bright sun can become overcast and sad.

It’s no secret that life is tough, but it doesn’t have to get the best of you.

I am reminded of a sermon I heard recently that was on Esther.

When she went before the king to defend her people, she was risking her life. If the king decided to, he literally could have had he killed for even attempting to speak to him.

God used Mordecai to tell her that she was made for this moment. All of her life’s journey had led her to right now. Please go read the full story! It’s powerful.

My point is, that Esther had a tough task ahead, but she let her light shine (not surprisingly, the meaning of her name is “star”). She shined bright because she was created “for such a time as this.”

And so were you! Whether it’s the mundane things like writing emails, or the big things that are weighing on your mind and heart, shine baby shine.

Show your light in the darkest night.

Put down those zombie arms and raise your praise hands!

Give God the glory and live the abundant life He died to give you.

Live vehemently and unapologetically!

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